A Syllabus on Emotional Intimacy — A Poem

2 min readNov 10, 2022
A collection of yellow roses tinged with orange and pink hues taken at the San Francisco Golden Gate Park Rose Garden. The saturation of the picture is enhanced to make them slightly cartoonish. Photo by Lo.

Define emotional intimacy —

How this varies for people
On the spectrum and can require
Interest sharing

Slowly ease the Boomer readers
Into a false sense of security
because the reality is
They have no understanding of
Emotional Intimacy

Why was emotional intimacy discouraged
in American Culture?


Are we our very own Secret Police?
Here to secure only the Safety of the insecure?
Here only for Shame Erasure?

Here only for the Displacement of Responsibility
Through Narcissistic Legacy Control
(paired with Xenophobia)
Up against Progressivism, Immigration, & Integration

All of these rolled into singular human beings
While in their 60s and 70s now
They experienced peak culture control

Discouragement during their childhoods
Due to their parents’ trauma

We got the trickle down economics of intergenerational sadness
Viewable in the museums of cinema and television
That 70s and 80s Hedonism of Cocaine and Queludes
Up against churches and the progressives who
Just. Want. Safety. For. Their. Families.

Maybe we need Emotional Intimacy now more than ever
If we’re ever to obtain that safety for our sons and daughters
With evolving communication in isolation, nonverbal strategies

Reach across a divide

Using pictures rather than words that were never enough
And we failed to establish firm boundaries for ourselves

For Society

And I know it feels scary
if it feels scary, it’s okay to say no
until you’re ready
because you’re interested
because you’re attached
You’re still a part of everything.

Boundaries with emotional intimacy,
Always on the verge of experiencing rejection,
Always being sensitive,
Increases accessibility and makes art alive between generations
And isn’t art how we heal kids born during Brutalism?




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